Alexandros Papangelis
Senior Research Scientist, Conversational A.I. Team

Alex is a Sr. Research Scientist at Uber AI, on the Conversational AI team; his interests include statistical dialogue management, natural language processing, and human-machine social interactions. Prior to Uber, he was with Toshiba Research Europe, leading the Cambridge Research Lab team on Statistical Spoken Dialogue. Before joining Toshiba, he was a post-doctoral fellow at CMU's Articulab, working with Justine Cassell on designing and developing the next generation of socially-skilled virtual agents. He received his PhD from the University of Texas at Arlington, MSc from University College London, and BSc from the University of Athens.

Uber AI is at the heart of AI-powered innovation and technologies at Uber. AI research and its applications solve challenges across the whole of Uber. Uber AI not only advances the state of AI across multiple domains such as Reinforcement Learning, Control and Sensing, Conversational AI, and Computer Vision but also open sources the tools and techniques for a wider audience.